EN How to Optimize your Cookie Consent Rates. Optimize your consent rates to respect user data privacy and increase ARPU simultaneously.
Cookie wall 6 Examples of Cookie Wall with Alternative. Publishers such as The Washington Post and L'OBS are using a Cookie Wall Alternative to monetize users even when they reject cookies and tracking. Let's find out how.
EN Didomi X Poool Cookie Wall Alternative - How to Maximize ARPU and Collect Compliant Consent Simultaneously. We're excited to announce the Didomi X Poool Cookie Wall Alternative, the optimal solution that allows you to monetize even when users decline cookies and tracking.
EN What is a Cookie Wall? - Definition, Examples and Best Practices. Collect compliant consent and monetize your audience simultaneously with a cookie wall!
EN White Paper: Cookie Walls, Paywalls, Advertising. What's the Future of Monetization for Publishers? Cookie consent regulations are changing, but how can publishers still monetize despite cookies becoming a thing of the past? How can cookie walls help?