EN Are subscription models doomed, insights into conversion rate benchmarks & the value of newsletters... May wrapped-up: Poool's ex-newsletter
EN Bio à la Une Success Story Discover how the French content producer launched their conversion strategy in 2 stages to ensure optimal performance
EN A/B Testing your Paywall: Benchmark Examples Discover benchmark examples of digital publishers A/B testing their paywall to optimize click-through and conversion rates
EN Bypassing paywalls: The need-to-know for digital publishers. How can you avoid users bypassing your paywall? Is bypassing really as bad as it appears? And what else do digital publishers need to consider?
EN How to Combine Engagement with Conversion to Increase ARPU. Successfully lead users through this engagement funnel with adapted conversion steps applied at the right time to increase ARPU.
EN Increase conversion rates by 40%, balance frustration and engagement & the power of testing... April wrapped-up: Poool's ex-newsletter
EN JDD Case Study: Audience Acquisition and Conversion with upday x Poool. Optimize audience acquisition and conversion simultaneously thanks to the upday x Poool partnership, and Poool's code-free trigger feature
EN How to monetize content: 3 Strategies for Digital Publishers to Succeed. The 3 strategies for publishers to collect compliant consent, de-anonymize users, increase engagement and establish a recurring revenue stream.
EN The KPI Playbook for Digital Publishers: Engagement, Conversion & Retention. All the KPIs to track in your subscription strategy, as recommended by our expert consultancy team
EN The essential KPI to track, industry news we're talking about and insightful content... March wrapped-up: Poool's ex-newsletter
EN KPIs for Conversion. The KPIs to track at each step of the conversion funnel towards subscription.
EN KPIs for Audience Engagement. Engagement has a direct correlation with revenues, so Poool are here to provide the ultimate list of audience engagement KPIs for digital content producers.
EN How to Optimize your Hard Paywall Optimizing your paywall goes way beyond just improving conversion rates. This article goes through every step of the paywall, with KPIs, examples and actionable advice.
EN Engagement Strategies for Digital Publishers: Benchmarks 2022. Engagement strategy ideas from some of the most successful content producers to increase ARPU with ease!
Poool's Newsletters How to optimize conversion rates, industry news that you need to know about and ask the expert events... February wrapped-up: Poool's ex-newsletter
EN How to Optimize your Cookie Consent Rates. Optimize your consent rates to respect user data privacy and increase ARPU simultaneously.
EN How Can I Limit the Impact of a Paywall on SEO? We look at how you can launch a paywall and subscription strategy whilst minimizing risks to SEO.
EN Podcast Recap: The Purchase of The Athletic by The NYT & The Future of Digital Publishing. What this means for the industry and how can publishers succeed in 2022?
EN 12 Ways to Convert your Readers into Members. How do you convince users to create an account on your website? Here's 12 ways of providing them with value to increase your ARPU once and for all!
EN White Paper: The Engagement and Conversion KPIs to Follow for a Successful Reader Revenue Strategy. We go through 5 key indicators to follow to manage engagement and conversion strategies, vital to monetize your audience and optimize your subscription model.
EN Best Registration Wall Examples of 2022. Benchmark examples from some of the most successful content producers currently employing a registration wall.
Paywall Best Paywall Examples of 2022 Benchmark examples from some of the most successful content producers currently employing a paywall.
EN Webinar Summary: Paywalls and SEO How do you maximize the value of your paywall without putting SEO at risk?
EN Increase Your ARPU with 3 Complementary Strategies: Stéphane Père X Pubstack Stephane Pere speaking at Pubstack’s Publishers Empowered Summit, December 2021.
EN 10 Reasons Why Poool's Platform Will Increase Your ARPU. With Poool you'll be autonomous, data-driven, achieve ROI in under 90 days and a lot more! Discover 10 reasons why Poool will increase your ARPU here!